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I help people develop their ideas

through branding and content design.

I've been told I've been very helpful.


They tell you to showcase the type of work you love doing.

Here's some of that.

My name is Marthy Angue and I've been writing and designing

professionally for nearly twenty years with clients ranging from

household brands like Hunt's Pork and Beans and Nissin Cup Noodles

to major organizations like Landbank and the Asia Foundation.

My work has even received recognition at the

Promotional Marketing Awards of Asia and

with the Filipino Diaspora in Europe.

Much of my current activity involves working with

the brilliant guys at Gunship Revolution, a firm I co-founded,

and Roots and Wings Magazine, which I co-publish. I'm also developing educational games at I am also technically a Diplomat, being an Officer of the Philippine Foreign Service, which is something like a day job except these are all day jobs that are also totally night jobs.

This is my blog.

I also write, by the way.


Perhaps there's something

I can help you with?

My email is

Got it! I'll be with you shortly!

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© 2018, All Rights Reserved,

Marthy Angue Graphic Design,

Registered in the Philippines




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